The Bed Bug Problem
Bed bugs (also known as Cimex lectularius or written as bedbugs or bed-bugs) have undergone a worldwide resurgence in recent years. Bed bugs have been reported in every State in the USA and an estimated 1 out of 5 Americans either has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has encountered them. A study in Australia performed in 2006 demonstrated an increase of infestation of 4,500% in the early years of the 21st century, and the UK has seen an increase of infestations hotels, hostels and homes in urban areas.
Recent studies have attributed a global increase in bed bugs due to the rise in international travel and an increased resistance to pesticides.
There is no question about it… bed bugs are on the increase!
So, what’s the problem with them? Bed bugs love to feed on human blood and when they bite, they don’t just do it once! Sometimes you can find a line or a random cluster of bites that can turn into itchy red bumps and rashes that last for days; some people may have allergic reactions or develop secondary skin infections from scratching the bites.
Other symptoms are psychological rather than physical manifestations, such as insomnia or sleeplessness, anxiety or increased nervousness, obsessive behaviour and personal dysfunction.
Hotels, landlords and travel companies have been sued for bed bug infestations and there are also websites dedicated to people spotting bed bugs on their travels.
So, how do you deal with the bed bug problem? Protect yourself from bed bugs with The Bugo.